Everyone loves a great guitar store. Walking in and seeing all of those amazing guitars on the walls, the display cases of pedals, and the rows of amps. Music stores are a vital part of the music industry and many have been forced to temporarily close their doors due to the effects of COVID-19. Many of the stores have online sites where you can still support them, but all have experienced changes. During this time, we are offering support to music stores who sell our cables. 

For the month of April, we are sending a portion of our gross online sales to our authorized dealers that are located in the area where direct sales are shipped. That means that we will be sending money to your local guitar store if they currently stock our cables. 

Our dealers provide us with an opportunity for our customers to try out our cables, feel them with their own hands, and purchase one right there on the spot without waiting for shipping. This portion of our business is extremely valuable and we want to do everything we can to support them in this critical time. 

We are so grateful for our dealers and we want them to come out strong on the other side of this pandemic. The guitar community is one like no other. Everyone is truly kind and wants to help the others around them. As a small business ourself, we want to help in any way we can.

April 10, 2020 — Max Creech

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